Page 14 - eBOOK 2023.pdf
P. 14

The  Asia  Pacific  region  accounts  for  30  per
                                                      cent  of  the  world’s  international  tourism

                                                                                The  growth  of  low-cost  carriers
                                                                                and  an  open-skies  agreement
                                                                                has  made  intra-ASEAN  travel
                                                                                more  accessible,  the  report
                                                                                noted.  As  key  players  such  as
                                                                                AirAsia  which  increase  their
                                                                                offerings,  more  of  the  ASEAN
                                                                                population is able to travel due

                                                                                to    proximity,   simpler    visa
                                                                                processes and similar cultures.

         From  2020,  ASEAN  countries  has  a
         decline  numbers  of  tourist  due  to  the                   Thailand  attracted  highest  number  of
         Pandemic Covid19.                                             tourists  in  the  region  with  38.3  million
                                                                       visitors  in  2018  and  keep  increasing  in

                                                                       2019 with 39.9 millions.The country has an
                                                                       easy visa policy that makes it easier for
                                                                       tourists  to  travel.  However  most  of  the
                                                                       ASEAN  countries  has  a  declined
                                                                       numbers  of  tourist  arrivals  and  receipt
                                                                       due  to  Pandemic  Covid  19  where  the
                                                                       border has been closed for international

      F i g u r e   2 :   A S E A N   T o u r i s t   A r r i v a l s   i n
                          2018 - 2020
       Datasource:                                                      06
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19