Page 10 - eBOOK 2023.pdf
P. 10


                                                                               Quick facts
             The  ASEAN  ten  members:  Brunei,  Cambodia,
                                                                                  The     Chairmanship         of
             Indonesia,  Laos,  Malaysia,  Myanmar,  Philippines,
                                                                                  ASEAN  rotates  annually,
             Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
                                                                                  based           on         the
             ASEAN  countries  have  a  total  population  of
                                                                                  alphabetical order of the
             650  million  people  and  a  combined  gross
                                                                                  English names of Member
             domestic  product  (GDP)  of  $2.8  trillion.  The
             group  has  played  a  central  role  in  Asian
                                                                                  If  ASEAN  was  a  single
             economic  integration,  signing  six  free-trade
                                                                                  country,  it  would  be  the
             agreements  with  other  regional  economies
                                                                                  seventh-largest  economy
             and  helping  spearhead  negotiations  for  what
                                                                                  in    the     world.With     a
             could be the world’s largest free trade pact.
                                                                                  combined  GDP  of  US$2.5
                                                                                  trillion,   the   region     is
             THREE PILLARS OF ASEAN                                               already      an    economic

                                                                                  powerhouse  and  is  set  to
             1. ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC)
                                                                                  grow  to  become  the
             2. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
             3.  ASEAN  Socio-Cultural  Community  (ASCC)  -                      equivalent  of  the  world's
             the  most  crucial  areas  deemed  necessary  for                    fourth-largest      economy
             the  progress  and  evolution  of  ASEAN  and  its                   by 2050.
             peoples.                                                             ASEAN  came  into  being
                                                                                  in  1967,  just  two  years
             ADVANTAGES OF ASEAN                                                  before  the  internet  was

              1.Reducing trade barriers between member                            created.  As  such,  the
              states and improving economic growth.                               impressive  rise  of  ASEAN
              2.Promoting regional peace and stability of its                     has  coincided  perfectly
              members.                                                            with  the  Third  Industrial

              3.Increasing the tourism of the member states.                      Revolution,      driven     by
              4.Improving human quality for ASEAN members.                        computers                 and
              5.Participating in cultural exchange.                               communications.

                      F i g u r e   1 :   M a p   o f   A S E A N
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