Page 12 - eBOOK 2023.pdf
P. 12


                                         TOURISM INDUSTRY

                                           Geographically, Malaysia is almost as diverse as its culture.
                                           11  states  and  2  federal  territories  (Kuala  Lumpur  and
                                           Putrajaya) form Peninsular Malaysia which is separated by
                                           the  South  China  Sea  from  East  Malaysia  which  includes

                                           the 2 states (Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo)
                                           and a third federal territory, the island of Labuan.

                                                                          From 2016 – 2018, Malaysia have decline
           Malaysia  -  a  bubbling,  bustling
           melting-pot of races and religions                             number  of  tourist  but  it    shown
                                                                          increased on the recipients (RM)
           where  Malays,  Indians,  Chinese
           and many other ethnic groups live
           together  in  peace  and  harmony.
           Its  multiculturalism  has  made
           Malaysia       a      gastronomical
           paradise  and  home  to  hundreds
           of  colorful  festivals.  As  a  people,
           Malaysians are very relaxed, warm

           and friendly.

                                                                            T a b l e   1 :   M A L A Y S I A   T o u r i s t   A r r i v a l s
                                                                                a n d   R e c e i p t s   i n   2 0 1 0   -   2 0 2 2
                                                                            Relatively,  Malaysia  has  the  quality

                                                                            tourist  who  come  and  spend  more.
                                                                            This is a good sign & giving Malaysia
                                                                            to  explore  more  on  the  ‘product’
                                                                            that  will  drive  economic  growth  in
                                                                            Tourism sector.
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