P. 7

Visitor interpretation is used by visitor attractions to tell a

          story about a site’s significance and its context (physical,

          natural, social, aesthetic or spiritual). The purpose of visitor

          interpretation is informal education and first-hand

          participatory learning, often about heritage or natural


          1.1 Introduction

               But interpretation is also used

               to enhance knowledge of

               authenticity, stimulate change

               in attitudes and behavior and

               explain ideologies.                                                                                  Visiting is a pleasure; being visited is

               Interpretation is complemented                                                                       usually a mixed or ambivalent joy. The

               by visitor management tools                                                                          visitor can always go home; The visitee is

               such as information and                                                                              already home, trapped like a rat in a

               directional signage and trail                                                                        drainpipe.

               design.                                                                                              - Barbara Holland

                                                                                                      Marygold Garlands in Market by Momito Panday Studio India

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