P. 9

Moving at their own pace during the visit, the visitor is free to

                 interact (or not) with interpretive devices that can include :

                  a) People

                          Personal  interpretation  is  undertaken  by  an  “interpreter”

                          when  the  person  is  a  subject  expert,  but  not  in  period

                          costume.  Interpretive  personnel  can  include  indigenous

                          representatives,  tour  guides,  tourism  operators,  docents,

                          security guards and educators, curators or park rangers.

                          Non-personal  interpretation    “animation”  when  an  actor

                          adopts  a  period  character  and  “demonstration”  when  an

                          actor  is  not  in  character,  but  talking  about  the  historical


                 b)           Media                   -        Virtual                   environments,                                  interactive                          devices,

                 educational                              signage,                        graphics,                        sound,                     smell,                  exhibits

                 (interactive and static).

                 c)  Objects  –  artefacts,  buildings,  animals  (stuffed  and  alive),

                 plants, rocks and models, figures, props.

                 d)           Self-guiding                               tools                –         maps,                   guidebooks,                              podcasts,

                 interactive  computers,  dedicated  radio  stations,  geographic

                 information systems (GIS).

                 e)  Built  structures  –  interpretation  centers  and  interpretive

                 signage, etc.

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